Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Nail Trend: Stiletto Nails

I've been obsessed with Stiletto nails for a while now. I'll certainly be wearing them!

Lana del Rey rocks this nail trend.
                                                            -Kim xx

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Retro Poolside

All Good Things are Wild and Free

Vibrant Hair Color

Lately I've been obsessed with your not so typical hair colors,(pinks, purples, blues, greens, silver) I'm all about them.

A celebrity that has sported this hair trend for a while now is Katy Perry. I must admit, I've never really been a fan, but the chick is growing on me. Her hair, it's perfect. 


For those of us that are either trying to hold off on the hair bleaching for as long as possible or too scared to commit to a daring color see my tutorial on Hair chalking here.
                                              -Kim xx

Casually Bold.

Casually Bold.

Octavia tie shirt
$44 -


Gothic pants
$23 -

Winter white shoes
$72 -

TOMS red slip on shoes
$54 -

Metal sunglasses

Dress You Up

Creme de la Creme

Lady Like